THE PEACE PLEDGE is a global unifying initiative that invites corporates, brands and organizations to donate 2% ✌️ of their annual net profits to sustainably support the best organizations for Peace, Prosperity & Purpose in order to achieve sustainable WORLD PEACE.

The Peace Pledge Mission:

1. Sustainably empower the peace and creator economies worldwide

2. Create a visibly engaged global community of brands, corporations & celebrities supporting PEACE

3. Fund and achieve World Peace

4. Make peace more profitable than war

“Got Peace?” ✌️
Global Brands, Corporations, Celebrities #NFT

• Similar to “Got Milk?” Campaign with Global Advertising x Digital Social Media Campaign

• NFT is entry to The Peace Pledge global community, marketplace, perks, etc.

• Social Media Campaign for Brands to Invite Customers to share #GotPeace @brand with global competition for who has the most engagement wins prizes, giveaways, etc. from @Brand @ThePeacePledge.Foundation - the sky is the limit!!!✨🕊️✨

• Customers share photo of Them✌️ + Brand and why the brand gives them Peace #GotPeace @brand

•⁠ ⁠Works with Fans✌️ + @celebrities

#ThePeacePledge✌️ launches January 2025 🚀✨

Global press release and announcement at The World Economic Forum in Davos sharing success and alignment of initial Brands and corporations on board and inviting everyone else #AllAboard !!!

Our Mission is to “Make Peace More Profitable & Fashionable than War” and engage the world to #GotPeace ✌️ and support the brands, corporations and celebrities that give them Peace, and then the brands, corporations and celebrities support the Peace Leaders and organizations, and everyone empowers #Peace #Prosperity #ThrivingForAll !!!

The Peace Pledge Foundation accepts tax deductible donations

into our 501c3 charitable organization (USA).

THE PEACE PLEDGE is a global CSR initiative similar to One Percent for the Planet and designed as a way to sustainably support global leaders in Peace, Prosperity & Purpose and to synergistically share this sponsored content worldwide

Why and How 2% ✌️?
We believe that it is our human existential imperative to prioritize achieving world peace at this time and beyond and that ALL of us are responsible for contributing to achieving peace on earth and beyond. #AllAboard!!!

We will be receiving 2% of annual net profits from corporate Marketing x CSR budgets with many opportunities to achieve corporate marketing goals as well as an ideal opportunity to participate in this global CSR initiative, community, sovereign marketplace and beyond.

Peace Leaders & Initiatives are Underfunded and Overworked; this makes achieving Peace a slower and more challenging outcome.

THE PEACE PLEDGE sustainably solves the fiscal challenges faced by historically underfunded initiatives focused on achieving measurable Peace, Prosperity & Purpose, thereby rapidly accelebrating the good work and adoption of these practices worldwide to support holistic thriving for all life on the planet and beyond.

The Peace Pledge Foundation accepts tax deductible donations

into our 501c3 charitable organization (USA).

In Partnership with The Peace Train & The Peace Train Founding Alliance Partners

The Peace Train, Inc. is a USA based global media brand and marketing vehicle with a localized focus to heal the lands and lineages of war damaged areas worldwide with frequencies of peace, prayers, transcendent events and beyond, thus tangibly healing humanity and the planet simultaneously with celebration and JOY.

We are curating the top organizations in the world focused on Peace, Prosperity and Purpose in our Founding Alliance and launching a ubiquitous transmedia docuseries, 360 media brand and world peace movement beginning in June 2025 highlighting the best organizations alongside leading artists and creators for peace.

Our Mission is to “Make Peace More Profitable Than War” and Achieve World Peace by 2030 by Creating the Best Party on Earth and Beyond (yet!) and Inviting Everyone #AllAboard!!!

More information here on our website:

THE PEACE PLEDGE launch is January 2025 and invites global brands, corporations and celebrities to take #ThePeacePledge and make the donation in Q1 2025 in relation to 2% of net profits 2024. The community is offering a referral reward ANNUALLY for aligning brands and corporations to maintain annual donations.

THE PEACE PLEDGE empowers our FOUNDING ALLIANCE that is doing the best work for PEACE, PROSPERITY & PURPOSE in the world. We thank you for your support of our excellent work waging peace in the world!

Infrastructure Partners

Production Partners

Community Partners

Foundation Partners


We imagine that World Peace is an ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION that is possible and achievable by a majority tipping point of humans on earth embodying three simple goals:

1. Inner Peace

2. Tangible Prosperity

3. Living in Purpose

We are in joyful service to making this a reality for all humans and achieving #ThrivingForAll.

We are honored and delighted to be in joyful service of achieving World Peace and in the business of answering sacred prayers. We are so grateful for your support in making this World Peace dream come true. It takes all of us doing what we can do to make this happen. Thank you for being on this journey with us!

Peace, Love, & Gratitude,

Team Peace Pledge
Founding Alliance of The Peace Train

[email protected]